Email subscribers, can you help us out? You will get a really cool EXCLUSIVE Tutorial every Tuesday BUT…
All of a sudden, we are having an abysmal open rate. We were down over 50% last Tuesday. People are reporting that they are not getting the email in any folder. We are being filtered!
We made some technical adjustments.
Here is what you can do to help us:
Let’s teach technology that our AMAZING newsletter belongs in your inbox.
If your not a Kitchen Table Stamper email subscriber yet, you can sign up HERE.
Your emails come directly to my inbox. I enjoy the content and regularly use your tutorials and CASE your cards.
Thank you for your generosity, Judy
Thank you for letting us know. Happy crafting!<3
I love seeing what you send us next!!
Thank you. I appreciate you!<3
I look forward to every email you send out. Your creativity is amazing.
Thank you for being an active subscribers!