Hey Guys1 I have a fast and easy Christmas Traditions Punch Box Truffle Bag Tutorial for you today! This project is heavily inspired by one of the November Stampin’ Anonymous Tutorials. The November Stampin’ Anonymous Tutorials are coming soon!
This is your last chance to get the October Stampin’ Anonymous Tutorial for FREE. Place your Stampin’ Up! order today and receive these ‘better than flat’ tutorials with a Fall flair as my gift to you!
There are three ways to get the Stampin’ Anonymous tutorials.
Place an ORDER.
Each month I will be offering these better than flat tutorials for FREE with any size Stampin’ UP! order. Place your Stampin’ Up! Order HERE.
Buy them for a low price.
If you don’t have a Stampin’ Up order for me this month, that’s ok. You can purchase the printable Stampin’ Anonymous tutorial bundle for $9.95. Just click HERE to PayPal.
Join my team.
Would you like to get all or the Stampin’ Anonymous Tutorials for free?! Join my team!
Kitchenettes always get my gift with purchase tutorials FREE. It’s just one of the many benefits of being a Kitchenette. Join the Kitchenettes Stampin’ Up! family by clicking HERE.
For today’s truffle bag, I used my Christmas Traditions Punch Box. I have been very honest that I love the product but not the price. I think it’s too high. There, I said it.
That being said, it makes a GREAT half price item! Did you know that Hostesses who have a qualifying workshop, or customers who place a qualifying order can earn any item in the catalog for half price?!
I decided to splurge a half price item for the Christmas Traditions Punch Box.
Being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator is AWESOME. I get to be the DEMONSTRATOR and the HOST too! I get a discount, Stampin’ Rewards for FREE and half price products as well as Flex Points. Double, triple SCORE!
If you want to know more about the benefits of being a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator, email me! marisa@kitchentablestamper.com
Thank you for stopping By today! Enjoy the Christmas Traditions Punch Box Truffle Bag Tutorial and FREE Project Sheet!
Get your Christmas Traditions Punch Box Truffle Bag Project Sheet HERE.
November Classes in the Online Classroom
Did you know that you can now take my classes in person or online? For more information and to register, click HERE.
Place any Stampin’ Up! order with me in the month of October and receive this FREE bundle of Stampin’ Anonymous better than flat paper crafting tutorials!