Ever thought about earning some money doing what you love? Want a discount on all the AWESOME new Amuse Studio monthly collections? Want to spend more time with like minded crafty gals making new friendships? Want to travel destination cities all over the US with the nicest, most fun, crafty ladies ever?
If you answered yes to any of those questions – I think you should join Amuse Studio. That’s right, become an A Muse Studio Consultant. It’s just $49 to get started. I love my job! Let’s talk about any questions you might have about being an A Muse Studio Consultant. Thinking about joining, but not sold yet? Join me for the 2015 A Muse Studio National Conference! It’s in Colorado Springs this year. Travel is one of the many benefits of being a Amuse Demonstrator. You can register as my guest for National Conference. Come with me to see this exciting opportunity from the inside before you join A Muse. Got questions? Let’s talk! Don’t need to talk – just want to get started? CLICK HERE, then click start a business on the upper right.